NISD-AIIMS Online Addiction Treatment Training Course for Medical Practitioners
- Currently we have one NISD-AIIMS course
- Only Medical professionals working in organizations supported by Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment (MoSJ & E) are eligible to register and enroll for the course
- The total duration of the course is approximately 15-17 hours
- The participant will be evaluated through quizzes (pre, post, end of each Module) to track his/ her learning
- After successful completion of the course and evaluation through post- test, the participant will receive a course completion certificate
- Currently we have one DoR-AIIMS course
- Only Medical professionals who have completed MBBS are eligible to register and enroll for the course
- The total duration of the course is approximately 15 hours.
- The participant will be evaluated through quizzes to track his/ her learning
- After successful completion of the course and evaluation through post- test, the participant will receive a course completion certificate
Primer Courses
- Currently we offer two primer courses
- Both the courses are free-of-cost
- Any professional working in/ interested in the area of addiction treatment can register and enroll in the courses
- Each course is approximately 2- 2:30 hours long
- These are NON-CERTIFICATE courses